Mission to Montenegro newsletter

Blog entry for 17 March 2015

March 2015 Mission to Montenegro Newsletter

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ,
     If any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit,
If any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by
     Being like-minded, having the same love, being one
In spirit and of one mind.   Phil. 2:1,2

Grace and Peace to you in the name of God our Father!

Rejoice with us in all the good things the Lord has done this past month:

  • The All-Montenegro Believers' Meeting was a blessed time for God's people.  With the theme "Ujedinjeni Djelujemo" ("Walking United in a Manner Worthy of the Gospel"), there were no outside speakers, but rather the main sessions were headed by Stan and two other local evangelical pastors with opportunities for other ministries to share how the Lord is working in Montenegro.  While we were greatly encouraged to see growth and maturing in God's church here, it was most telling that the number of "Born in Montenegro" believers comprised fewer than 50% of those present.  There is still much more for us all to do with God's help and blessing! 

All-Montenegro Believers' Meeting 2015, Nikšić

  • Lord's Day preaching continues with the gospel of Luke in the morning, but having finished Philippians, Stan has begun a new series through Habbakuk in the evening.  Habbakuk is short, profound, and timely even though written thousands of years ago. Truly, with mankind, there is nothing new under the sun; but thank God, He, too, is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Upcoming Ministry and Prayer Requests:

  • For the next month, Stan will be in the unusual position of holding down the fort while Vicki is the one who is away.  She'll be gone four weeks, helping out one of own who is expecting a baby in the States, and none of her Montenegrin family can make it.  During this time, we'll have guests coming and going, including a largish UK team in April, so please remember Stan in your prayers as the hospitality aspects fall on his shoulders.  
  • We rejoice that God has granted us favor in the eyes of those in charge at the university, and the coming UK team will be helping with a Mission Week outreach right on campus, the week after Orthodox Easter (April 12th).  Like last year, this outreach targets university students and encourages them to seek to know more about God, both through direct witnessing and discussion of the book What Kind of God?  Please pray that God would bring even more students to hear the Word and turn from their own way to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
  • Please remember all the expectant mothers (we are eagerly awaiting one due last Saturday), for safe deliveries and healthy babies.  Also, please pray that God would send someone with the desire, time, and resources to minister regularly to our growing congregation of little ones.   We long for the day when the All-Montenegro Believers' Meeting is made up primarily of Montenegrins.
With great love and heartfelt appreciation for your ongoing prayers and support in this great work of God,

Stan and Vicki Surbatovich
Mission to Montenegro
Prayer and Praise Bulletin Points:
  • Praise God for the encouraging All-Montenegro Believers' Meeting and for working out all the details.  In true Balkan fashion, the hotel didn't sign the contract until Friday morning for Saturday's event.  Please pray that we all would work together in unity of spirit and brotherhood for the building of God's kingdom here, and that laborers for the gospel will go into the cities and towns where there is currently no ongoing evangelical witness.
  • Praise God for His living Word and the freedom to preach it.  Thank God as well for the visitors who have been coming and hearing the truth about God, people, sin, and salvation.  Pray that God would move in all our hearts as we receive His Word.
  • Praise God for the bonds of fellowship that transcend years and continents and truly join us all as God's one Body.  Pray for Vicki as she practically encourages "the young women to love their husbands, love their children" and for Stan while he does without his helpmeet for the month.
  • Praise God for the opportunity to go on campus and minister to the students.  Please pray for Danijel P., the growing EUS-Montenegro student ministry, and for the UK team coming that they might be fervent, effective witnesses in the upcoming Mission Week outreach.  Please pray, too, for the students who hear--that the seed would fall on fruitful ground.
  • Praise God for the blessing of children and particularly for those granted to believers here.  Please pray for the children and their parents, that God would enable and equip them to raise their children with love, grace, and joy; that their family lives would be a witness to neighbors and extended family.
Note:  If you would like to receive this newsletter directly, please subscribe at: Mission to Montenegro Newsletter
Original link: https://christianitymontenegro.blogspot.com/2015/03/march-2015-mission-to-montenegro.html
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