Mission to Montenegro newsletter

Blog entry for 17 July 2017

July 2017 Mission to Montenegro Newsletter

In the beginning was the Word, 
            and the Word was with God, 
                             and the Word was God.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...  
                                                John 1:1,14

Grace and Peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord!

To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose, and here in Nikšić it is the time and season for camps and outreaches!  And while the many activities make for fun photos and good memories, what stirs our hearts is sharing and living the truth of Jesus Christ and His Word.

  • On Sunday mornings, Stan is ministering from Luke 17, and in the evening, he is beginning a new series preaching through the book of Esther which uniquely shows God working His plans and purposes for His people who are living in an unrighteous, pagan society.

  • The English Student Camp outreach, courtesy of the UCCF team from Britain along with local believers, wrapped up this past week.  Along with the fun activities and probing discussions of God's Word, the Spirit used the challenging circumstances of a somewhat serious injury of one participant to demonstrate the reality of our living faith in a living God as His goodness was proclaimed throughout the entire trial.  May the Lord continue to bring much fruit to bear in the lives of the saved and unsaved from this camp.

  • God brought by another family, currently pastoring a church in Seattle, on a scouting trip to see if the Lord is calling them to Montenegro.  This is the fourth family in the past year or so pondering the same question.   We met up with them for a couple of hours to answer questions, share what we've seen and what we hope to see, and generally be helpful.  Please join us in praying for them, that they would distill the input they received from us and others, and discern all that God has for them.  We also fervently pray for the continued unity of all the churches here, especially as we are growing, for by this everyone will know that we are His disciples, if we love one another.

Upcoming Ministry and Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for those who attended the English Student Camp.  Some of the young people did come to Sunday Services for the first time while the team was here.  Please pray that they would continue to come, to hear God's Word, to join in with His people.  Please also pray for the young woman who was injured. While she will not need surgery (Thank You, Lord), she still has several weeks of healing ahead of her.
  • Please pray for the upcoming Camp Monty which starts next week.  Please pray that the seeds of gospel truth would take hold and pray especially for those who are entering into their high school/university years as that is often a time of personal reflection and decision-making. 
  • We will also be participating in and celebrating the marriage next week of one of our young ladies to a Danish man.  Please pray for the bride and groom and their families, for Stan as he prepares a wedding sermon, and for all the details of this God-honoring, cross-cultural, life-changing event! 

With great love and appreciation for your ongoing prayers and support in this great work of God,

Stan and Vicki Surbatovich
Mission to Montenegro

Note:  If you would like to receive this newsletter update directly, please subscribe at:  http://christianitymontenegro.blogspot.com/ 

Original link: https://christianitymontenegro.blogspot.com/2017/07/july-2017-mission-to-montenegro.html
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