Mission to Montenegro newsletter

Blog entry for 18 August 2017

August 2017 Mission to Montenegro Newsletter

I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!
He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong, 
upright and just is he. 
Deut. 32:3,4

Grace and Peace to you in the name of God our Father!

Another busy month, another successful camp, plus a lovely wedding--God is good!

  • Camp Monty 2017, in its 11th year as a summer daytime sports camp, touched hundreds of children, old-timers and newcomers, through various sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, and tennis, as well as English lessons.  A large team of international volunteers shared their expertise and their love for the Lord Jesus.  

  • We experienced the joy of inviting our neighbor to sit under our vine (Zech 3:10) as we've hosted a dozen+ people in town as helpers for Camp Monty, as guests for the wedding, and as friends.  We've enjoyed many a meal together, dining al fresco, sharing life, joys as well as trials. Being together in these settings provides wonderful opportunities for table-talk ministry. One other highlight: We were treated to a few "mini-concerts" as a number of the Danes, students at the Music Conservatory in Copenhagen, relaxed and amused themselves (to our delight) with the piano and guitars.  
  • The big highlight of July, though, was the Pedersen Wedding!  With great satisfaction, we witnessed the vows and union of these two young people as they committed themselves to love one another and to love God and serve Him wholeheartedly together.  The ceremony and celebration afterwards wonderfully weaved together both Montenegrin and Danish traditions in a God-honoring way. Soli Deo Gloria!
Mr. and Mrs. Pedersen enjoying the moment!

Upcoming Ministry and Prayer Requests

    • Please pray for the regular ongoing ministry of the church:  the preaching, the teaching, the discipling, the follow-up to the outreaches, personal growth in sanctification.  Also, please pray specifically for an upcoming visitation to the family of a church member whose father tragically passed away, leaving behind a widow with five children.

    • Please pray for the many people, children and adults, who heard and witnessed the gospel in action this summer-through camps, through preaching, through hospitality and other ministry.  We long that the sharing of our faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing... for the sake of Christ.  (Philemon 1:6)
    • Please pray for the marriage of the young Pedersen family and for all the marriages of the families in church.  As might be expected in a pioneering work, more than half the marriages in the fellowship are not united in Christ.  May God grant us all much grace and patience in loving and serving our spouses as expressions of our loving and serving the Lord Jesus.
    • Please continue to pray for Stan's elderly mother and our role in her ongoing care.  Due to poor health, she was not able to come to Montenegro this summer per original plan, and we need much wisdom in determining next steps.

    With great love and appreciation for your ongoing prayers and support in this great work of God,

    Stan and Vicki Surbatovich
    Mission to Montenegro

    Original link: https://christianitymontenegro.blogspot.com/2017/08/august-2017-mission-to-montenegro.html
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