Mission to Montenegro newsletter

Blog entry for 17 August 2018

August 2018 Mission to Montenegro Newsletter

I am the Lord, and there is no other.  
I did not speak in secret, in a land of darkness;
I did not say to the offspring of Jacob, ‘Seek me in vain.’
I the Lord speak the truth;  I declare what is right. Is. 45:18,19

Grace and Peace to you in the name of God our Father!

The summer season of camps and outreaches is coming to an end, but God's Word continues to go forth here in Montenegro.  Our God, the Alpha and the Omega, is faithful and true!

  • Camp Monty, the sports outreach to children aged 8-18, wrapped up the last week of July.   Excitingly, there were quite a few new children participating this year, hearing about the love of God and seeing it in action.  Additionally, with Camp Monty running for 12+ years, a number of former campers are now local helpers and translators, so seeds are continuing to be sown.  This long-term faithful witnessing is very important in a region where Protestants are still oft deemed a cult and a sect. 
  • This year, for the first time, we had a special Ladies' event, entitled "Coffee and Canvas.”  Last year, Vicki and a few of the Camp Monty volunteers thought it might be nice to do something for women (a forgotten demographic here), and this year, it came to fruition. Along with the hands-on activity, there was time to chat and Marilyn (from the States) gave a short testimony and directed our attention to Christ.  The event went off extremely well and we hope to do something yearly!

  • Stan is participating on the Steering Committee for the formation of a “Balkan Gospel Coalition” (ultimate name TBD)  and appreciated the modern technology of video conferencing for their first meeting.  May the Lord guide the committee as it outlines its vision and reach in the region, wisely discerning between essentials of the reformed faith and charitable differences.
Upcoming Ministry and Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for the regular ministry of the Word.  As Stan begins wrapping up the Gospel of Luke (AM service) and his series through Psalms (PM service), please pray that God would give clarity on the next book(s) to proclaim in His name.  Please pray, too, that believers here in MNE would rightly esteem the Word and put it above feelings and experiences.  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 

  • Please pray for the men, women, and children who were touched by the various camps and outreaches these past two months--both the volunteers and those who attended.   May God work in the hearts of all, encouraging and strengthening those who believe, and convicting and converting those who have not yet turned to Jesus Christ,  who is the way, the truth, and the life.
  • Please pray for the ongoing life of the church especially as we transition into our fall schedule and add back in the suspended-for-summer weekly (Student Bible Study, English Conversation Club) and monthly (Ladies' Devotional) meetings.  Also, pray that we might have wisdom as we seek to encourage the children (and their families at home) to grow in love and knowledge of their faith; we are contemplating the translation of a suitable catechism as one such means.
  • Please pray for good progress on the formation of the Balkan Gospel Coalition (international) as well as continued unity and establishment of a Montenegrin-wide evangelical alliance.  
  • As is often the case after an intense season, we are both physically drained and can identify (in a small way) with Paul's thorn as we each have our own manifested weaknesses (migraines, shingles).  Join us in praying that we would know (and delight in) God's promise: My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

With great love and appreciation for your ongoing prayers and tangible support in this great work of God,

Stan and Vicki Surbatovich
Mission to Montenegro

Original link: https://christianitymontenegro.blogspot.com/2018/08/august-2018-mission-to-montenegro.html
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