Mission to Montenegro newsletter

Blog entry for 19 January 2013

January 2013 Mission to Montenegro Newsletter

You crown the year with Your goodness,
         And Your paths drip with abundance. 
Ps. 65:11

Remember His marvelous works! 

  • We successfully distributed all 5000 Samaritan's Purse Christmas boxes.  Along with the shoebox, each child received a New Testament, a colorful booklet entitled "The Greatest Gift on Earth", our church contact info, and a presentation of the gospel along with singing "Silent Night."  Additionally, many children were accompanied by an adult or two who also heard the gospel proclaimed.  Please pray that all these families would look past the gift and long to know the Giver.
  • It was a great time of ministry for our fellowship, with everyone participating, young and old (ages 15-60+).  Because the project is so large, we also had the opportunity to work alongside other members of our local community, and this opens the door for Christian follow-up and ministry amongst them as well.  Please pray for our continued ministry amongst unbelieving students.
  • We enjoyed good times and opportunities for witnessing as we visited and shared meals together with the B. family, the M. family, the J. family, and the P. family during the holidays, a traditional time for such get-togethers.  Since we usually have people over to our house, it is an extra-special treat to be invited to other homes.  Please pray for our continued ministry and witnessing among these families.
  • Christmas Eve (Jan. 6) found us hosting three unexpected visitors from the Ukraine. To be honest, we were a little leery (being contacted out of the blue), and weary (having had an emotionally-exhausting day when Josiah missed his return flight due to an unanticipated 5 hour delay at the border, necessitating working out a new itinerary involving an overnight stay in Frankfurt) at the prospect of hosting guests.  But God's ways are marvelous, for these three young people from a large church in Kiev truly refreshed our souls with their love and enthusiasm for God and His gospel.  We look forward to an ongoing relationship with them and their church this year.    Please pray that God would continue to bear fruit out of this relationship as we admired their church's organized and enthusiastic outreach in their local Ukranian community.
Family News:  
  • We greatly enjoyed our time with our sons home from university.  The Lord did bless us all with good health for which we are truly thankful.
  • Milijana has completed all her applications and supplements for university.  By God's grace, she has received one acceptance letter (so far).  Please continue to pray that God would lead in the way she should go.
  • Stan and Milijana anticipate a trip to the US in April in a combined Samaritan's Purse Conference/college check visit.

With great love and appreciation for your ongoing prayers and support in this great work of God,

Stan and Vicki Surbatovich
Mission to Montenegro  

Prayer and Praise Bulletin Points:    
  • Praise God for another successful Christmas Shoebox project.  Please pray that we would continue to improve in the logistics, but even more importantly, that the families receiving would seek out Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior.
  • Praise God for the participation by all the members of the fellowship in the outreach, for the knitting of our hearts together.  Pray for those interested-but-still-on-the-periphery souls.
  • Praise for the many friendships and  relationships God has given us here.  Pray that we would be wise blessings to all.
  • Praise for God's mysterious ways in bringing three brothers and sisters in Christ all the way from the Ukraine for our mutual encouragement and edification.  Please pray that God would lead us in fostering this relationship.
  • Praise for God's continued care over us.  Pray for those men in the fellowship seeking stable employment, and for Stan's continuing chronic health concerns.

Original link: https://christianitymontenegro.blogspot.com/2013/01/january-2013-mission-to-montenegro.html
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